INVITROM Symposium 2018
“Stem cells in 3R research’”
March 22, 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Final Programme
9:00 Registration/coffee
10:00 Introduction by Peter Olinga
10:20 Dr. Bart Spee (Universiteit Utrecht): Biofabrication of liver constructs using adult stem cells
11:00 Dr. Joery de Kock (Vrije Universiteit Brussel): Human skin-derived precursor cells as cell source for toxicity testing of pharmaceuticals
11:40 Coffee/tea/posters
12:10 Joost Boeckmans (Vrije Universiteit Brussel): In vitro modelling of NAFLD using stem cells: state of the art
12:30 Young scientist and sponsor speed presentations
13:10 General assembly (open to all INVITROM members, 30 min.)
13:10 Lunch/posters
14:10 Dr. Rob Coppes (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen): Organoids in radiation response and regeneration
14:50 Dr. Anja Wilmes (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): Development of iPSC-derived proximal tubular cells and podocytes for nephrotoxicity screening
15:30 Coffee/tea/posters
16:00 Dr. Stefan Vaessen (Hogeschool Utrecht): Intestinal organoid models for food research
16:40 Drinks
David de Wied Building
Utrecht Science Park
Universiteitsweg 99, 3584 CG Utrecht