
Annual INVITROM Symposium March 23, 2017, Breda, The Netherlands

The annual symposium of INVITROM will be held March 23, 2017 in The Mastbosch Hotel, Breda. The topic of the symposium will be Ïn Vitro Disease Models. We are currently working on the final details of the program. Abstract submission and registration will be opened shortly.

Three-day JRC Summer School on Alternative Approaches for Risk assessment on May 16-19, 2017

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission’s science and knowledge service to support EU policies with independent evidence.

The Chemical Safety and Alternative Methods Unit incorporating the European Union Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL-ECVAM) at the JRC Ispra site in Italy ( ) is organising a three-day Summer School on May 16-19, 2017.

The “JRC Summer School on Alternative Approaches for Risk assessment” intends to promote the use of alternative methods within chemical risk assessment. It will be tailored for post-graduate students (PhD/Master) and young scientists, with the aim to give insight into principles and methodologies of human health and environmental risk assessment from a scientific, regulatory, and industrial perspective focusing on alternative (non-animal) methods.

Pre-registration is now open until 14th February 2017 at

More information at:

ESTIV 2016 – Juan les Pins, France. October 17 to 21, 2016

Dear colleagues and friends

we have hit a record for the next European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV) congress, which will take place in Juan les Pins, France from October 17 to 21, 2016. Indeed, the Scientific Committee accepted about 65 and 175 abstracts for oral communications and posters, respectively. Thanks to your great interest in our congress, we have prepared an exciting scientific final program. You can download it from our website :

We would like also to remind you that the deadline for early bird registrations is approaching soon (July 15, 2016), so we encourage you and your colleagues to register before this date to benefit from our reduced registration rates.

To register to the congress and book your hotel, please visit our website where you will find a link to the convention center registration/housing webpage.

We wish you a wonderful summer and a nice holiday time. We hope to see you in the French Riviera in October to have a great time together !!

The ESTIV 2016 congress Organization Committee:

Dr Alain SIMONNARD, President of ESTIV 2016 Congress Organization and President of the French Society of Toxicology (SFT)
Dr Chantra ESKES, President of ESTIV
Dr Philippe BOURRINET, Past President of the French Society of Toxicology (SFT)
Pr Marc PALLARDY, President of the French Society of Cellular Pharmaco-Toxicology (SPTC)





Meeting sponsor

Meeting sponsor



