Guidelines for submission of abstracts
Deadline abstract submission: March 10, 2018.
Abstracts for the INVITROM Symposium “Stem cells in 3R research” need to fulfill the following requirements:
Subject matter covers the field of in vitro models.
The deadline for sending in the abstracts is March 10, 2018. Ultimately March 15, 2018 you will be informed whether your abstract is accepted for the poster session.
The abstract must not promote a commercial product, process, or service.
The abstract, in English only, cannot exceed 450 words. No graphs, pictures or tables. Essential references are to be given within the text. Abbreviations can be used after defining them first.
The abstract should contain information and data that demonstrates new, high quality science and be structured, clearly containing following parts:
- Abstract title (max 25 words)
- Name of presenting author
- Study question
- Summary answer
- What is known already
- Study design, with materials & methods in brief
- Main results
- Wider implications of the findings
- Key words: (min 3- max 5 )
- Authors. For all: Name; university/institute/company; city.
Abstracts are to be submitted via the on-line submission form only. Click here….
Posters are mounted vertically on usable space of 121 cm x 81 cm. All poster material should be confined to the space provided and should not exceed it.